University of Calabar bans short skirts, handless gowns, others on campus

The Service Compact with All Nigerian Directorate of the University of Calabar has banned indecent dressing among students and staff of the university forthwith.
The director of SERVICOM, Prof. Patrick Egaga, announced the ban in a statement issued on Friday in Calabar.
He said that the directorate had noticed with grave concern the increase and proliferation of indecent, provocative and unofficial dressing, mostly by students and some female staff of the institution.
“Specifically, short skirts or gowns, above the knee, open backs, crop tops, braless tops and gowns, spaghetti finger, sleeveless tops, handless gowns, bikinis, see-through, transparent, apparels and revealing contours are no longer tolerated on campus.
“Others are handless gowns, bum short revealing laps, slit skirts, body hugs, V-necks exposing breasts, tubes, strip-less, rag jeans, shorts above the knee, sleeveless shirts, singlets, lingerie, sagged trousers and others.
He stated that all of those would no longer be allowed on campus with effect from Tuesday, May 2, 2023 and consequently, any student or staff member clad in the regalia or paraphernalia mentioned would be denied effective access into any of the university facilities or be appropriately sanctioned.
“A combined security and administrative task force will be constituted to monitor compliance,” he said.
He said that female students and staff are enjoined to imitate the dressing culture of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Florence Obi, and her deputies.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria, he also called on the male students and staff to model the dressing pattern of the university’s Council Chairman, Gen. Martin Luther-Agwai (retd.), and the Registrar, Mr Gabriel Egbe