Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Our Leaders too are humans; we now have determined leaders

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I have always been someone who thinks of the future and always sees the need to prepare for the unknown because the life we know is unpredictable.

And I also, believe that achieving the very best in every and any situation requires joining hands together to achieve the best, because teamwork brings the best result. I respect our leaders and believe that they are deserving of our love and respect, they are humans and also have loved ones too.

So, I will never advise any youth or teenager to disrespect any leader, neither should any youth use abusive words to address a leader, one way or the other we are all leaders in our own little ways either as a brother, sister, father, uncle, aunty and a mother.

Leadership is not only for those in the government position and leadership is not to be expressed only by those in high authority positions, every youth or teenager is also a leader and we can only say we are good leaders when we treat our loved ones and the entire world right.

We need to start seeing the need to work together as one at all times, a good leader is always thinking and seeing everyone as one no matter our different religious views, ethnicity or financial capability and see the world through a new lens.

A lot of people have been saying all sort of things about our leaders, though I am not saying they wrong or right for doing or saying all that, but the truth is that insult, accusation and power play can never and will never bring out the best in anyone, rather it will only bring out the worst in people.

You can never get the best from anyone if what You to do to them is to complain, insult or diminish them, knowing all this made Me choose to never insult or say negative things about our leaders, I am not saying I haven’t done much in the past, but realizing this new approach made Me changed My heart completely.

But honestly, I can confidently say this: “I now see zeal, desire to impact, courage, determination and focus in our leaders who have been putting aside political differences, religious differences and financial differences despite how much these differences tried barricading and blindfolding us.

The present leaders are confident, passionate, inventive, and innovation-driven.

Though this was not the case in the past thus: “African countries have in past years suffered all form of lacks due to the undetermined leadership who lack the determination to make life better for her citizens because all they think of is not in line with what is needed to make a country grow.

“No one can predict what happens in the next minute that is why we should always prepare beforehand for whatever will happen, we are living a society where anything can just pop up from nowhere and before You know someone dies, or something terrible or good happens and some becomes either happy or sad about the event that unfolded”.

“We stockpile our homes with food and the rest of them in other not to find ourselves in a situation that will affect our livelihood, which is the reason we work day in day out in order to get this needs met”.

“Anyone who refuses to put all that is needed to survive stormy time in order, will have to face the result of his or her negligence”.

Over the years the Nigerian government just became more determined and aware of the need to start putting somethings in order for the good of the people because of the leaders whom are now more worried of the poor state and deteriorating situations of the Nigerian citizens and has been working tirelessly to bring an end to this worrisome situation.

“Though in the past some start the approach of bettering lives, while some feel it is neither necessary for such to be worked on”.

But the most previous leaders, the President and Vice President, Governors, Senators and Members House of Reps, Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Directors and the rest of them are showing more concern in redirecting the country’s governing idea to accommodate all the needs of the common Nigerians and this they have been doing with more zeal and compassion towards the masses.

Our leaders are now reshaping the stampeded approaches that no longer work looking that fast-paced transformation taking place all over the world through those approaches worked in the past, but these present leaders now see the need to inculcate new leads into the system.

I am very much impressed by the constant efforts put in by our leaders to make room for new policies, laws and most especially their newly tapped motivation, inspiration and innovative ideas to pass into law bills that will create opportunities beneficial to all Nigerians.

The innovativeness of our leaders now is very much commendable and I believe they are doing their very best this time around to ensure that all that has been lacking in the area of education, transportation, security, health, economy, aviation, technology amongst others becomes more easily accessible to the most common of the Nigerian citizens.

I know that in the past there have been loopholes, which led to so much distrust of the country’s system of government, which is also not different in other African countries, but I am not surprised at how focused, determined and caring our present leaders are towards making life better for every Nigerian citizen.

We should all see what they are doing to positively impact our lives, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill, our leaders are humans and they also go through difficult times just like every other common man do.

So, we shouldn’t make them feel as if they cannot express their own worries and pains too, neither should we make them feel they are the worst people on earth because even we the common people have times we do things wrong or expresses ourselves negatively in the society.

I please enjoin every youth and teenagers across Nigeria, Africa, and the World to respect our leaders and give them the very best benefit of the doubt, Our leaders too are humans, they too have the right to freedom of expression and freedom of will, and I must say we now have determined leaders.

By: Ayooluwa Joshua

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