The National Human rights Commission NHRC has condemned in strong terms allegations of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment metted out to one Elizabeth Oyeniyi by an official of the Kogi state Government.
Executive Secretary NHRC Tony Ojukwu esq has called on the Commissioner of Water Resources, Kogi state, the alleged violator to explain the circumstances surrounding his alleged offensive attack against lady Elizabeth in the interest of justice.
A video going viral on the Social media indicates that the said Elizabeth was taken from Okene to Lokoja on the 29th of March by agents of the Kogi State Commissioner for Water Resources where she beaten stripped naked in the presence of her little child and a video of her made by her assailants in the process.
According Elizabeth the Commissioner who personally took part in beating her was angry over the message she sent to him requesting him to extend some assistance to his sister, a friend of hers who she said was starving over the COVID-19 lockdown in the State.
Elizabeth further alleged that after beating her the Commissioner took advantage of her thereby raping before finally releasing her the following day back to Okene where she stays and charged not to mention the incident.
She explained that ever since the incident came to public domain she has been under constant threat from the Commissioner and his agents.
The Executive Secretary of the NHRC described the allegations as grave and assures members of the public that the Commission will follow up the case to it’s logical conclusion adding that no individual no matter how highly placed will be allowed to get away with impunity.