If you can talk, you can sing- Ms Ige

One of Nigeria’s best live music artiste and former MTN project game coach, Ms Ige Dupe Kachi has given hope to those who feel they don’t have an unborn talent for singing.
She stated
“If you don’t think you have inborn talent, don’t worry, you are not out of luck, you can train”
“The truth is that, if you can talk, you can sing…”
Ms Ige stated this in a not less than 8minutes Interview on Wake Up Nigeria, TVC which was telecasted today.
She also gave a piece of advise to those with the inborn talent not to depend majorly on the raw talent but also take a step further by working on it as well.
“There are people who are born with the gifts, you can hear the voice and say, oh wow..fantastic voice …but you shouldn’t leave it there, you should add training to it, so it’s both inborn talent and training”