Press Briefing on COVID-19 By the SGF

While the case of COVID-19 is still an ongoing trend in the world, and the world health organization works daily to give the entire world update on the new development.
President Buhari, set up a task force to also brief Nigerians on the happenings in the country as regards to the pandemic.
The SGF, Boss Mustapha in a briefing today disclosed some new developments and way forward.
Details below:
I welcome you all to the National Briefing for Monday, 15th June, 2020.
- Let me use this opportunity to welcome you back from the 2020 Democracy Day holiday which we all had to celebrate in a COVID-19 pandemic era.
3. You will all recall that Mr. President in his broadcast on Friday, 12th June, 2020, admonished all Nigerians that “notwithstanding our aspirations, humanity and indeed democracy is under the threat of COVID-19’’. He added that ‘Nigeria has survived many crises before and came out stronger. I am confident that by God’s grace we shall overcome this one and emerge stronger and more purposeful.”
3. Mr. President’s concern about the impact of COVID-19 is underscored by the fact that 15 paragraphs of his broadcast were dedicated to COVID-19 issues. This buttresses the fact that the virus is very deadly and everyone must make conscious effort to stop the spread by adhering to the guidelines and measures prescribed by the PTF.
4. In the course of our monitoring and surveillance of compliance across the nation, we have observed an escalation of the level of non-compliance with simple measure to keep social distancing, wearing of masks in public places, sanitation and hygiene. This is more prevalent in markets, motor parks and some places of worship. I wish to remind you that the PTF has already issued guidelines for mode of operations at places of worship and urge state Governments to ensure strict compliance with PTF guidelines.
5. We wish to re-emphasise that all relaxed measures are still subject to review and advisories issued are for personal and public safety purposes. The breach of the ban on inter-state travels is also a point of concern.
6. Over the last couple of days, you must have observed that the daily figures of confirmed cases have been on the rise. This is an indication that we are conducting more tests across the country and that we are fully in the community spread phase. We however urge Nigerians not to panic but to cooperate with public health officials especially where community testing is on-going.
7. Since the beginning of our multi-sectoral national response, we have described medical personnel as our frontline workers. We also continuously pleaded with Nigerians to take responsibility. The reality today is that the table has turned and the community spread phase has suddenly made the health workers our LAST LINE OF DEFENCE. The full import of this situation is underscored by the following quotes from Dr. B. Calinawagan:
“The War has shifted to the community and it is up to you. This cannot be won in the confines of the hospital…’’
‘We the healthcare workers are not your front liners any longer. We are your LAST LINE OF DEFENCE. You, my fellow people, are the front liners now”.
Ladies and gentlemen, Let this sink:
“You are responsible for protecting yourself, your
family, the Community and the Country”.
“Gatherings are still NOT ok. Be responsible”
Lifted Restrictions does not mean carelessness and that life is back to “normal”.
8. The PTF appeals to State governments to embark on wider community testing, enforce rules on social distancing, step up community engagement and risk communication and pay attention to places of large gatherings. We also appeal to the security agencies to enforce the ban on inter-state travels very strictly.
9. We have received reports that some states are contemplating the reopening of schools, television viewing centres, sports stadium and other places where large gatherings could take place. The PTF re-emphasises that it is not yet safe to do so and that utmost caution should be exercised. The PTF guideline should still be complied with while considering decision of this nature.
10. In line with the revised protocols, the evacuation of Nigerians stranded abroad has resumed. Over the last weekend, we received Two hundred and sixty-nine from India while another one-hundred and two arrived from Egypt. All the evacuees tested negative before boarding the plane and would be re-tested within 72-hours of arrival in Nigeria.
11. Last week, the Economic Sustainability Committee led by His Excellency the Vice President, submitted their report to Mr. President on how to address the post-COVID era.
This underscores the plan that the Federal Government will continue to implement measures meant to safeguard the economy.
He said that the PTF will continue to be guided by the recommendations of the Committee in taking some of its far-reaching decisions, as was done on previous occasions.
12. A lot has been published regarding the studies carried out on asymptomatic individuals and their contacts, to how many developed COVID-19 and the finding that such transmission was very rare.
- While we note the clarification of the WHO that the interpretation raised a number of questions on the implications of current preventive recommendations, the PTF shares the WHO’s position that Comprehensive studies on transmission from asymptomatic people are difficult to conduct but are needed to draw wider conclusions. Some modelling has tried to estimate the proportion of asymptomatic patients that may transmit and there is a big range depending on the models used, but some estimates are that 40% of transmission may be due to asymptomatic cases.
14. The PTF shall remain cautious and shall adhere to already recommended measures (particularly, physical distancing, wearing of masks/coverings in public places, hand hygiene and cough etiquette), until we have more evidence to propose otherwise.
15. I now call on the Hon Minister of Health followed by the DG (NCDC) and the National Coordinator to update you on new issues.
16. I thank you for listening.
Ayooluwa Joshua