Opinion: How do we achieve social justice while maintaining social distancing?

Social distancing has been the watchword to prevent being infected by the Coronavirus.
But in the midst of this rule, came the murder of George Floyd which puts an end to the Social Distancing directives of the World Health Organization.
Recently, across the world, we cannot say the social distancing has really been maintained looking at the worldwide protests taking place now.
The question of how do we maintain social distancing and social justice In a situation where injustice seems to not worry about the presence of the pandemic. It is, therefore, necessary to know that ignoring the social distancing in a call for social justice has its long term negative effect not just in the case of the Coronavirus, but on the personal economy of business organizations and individuals destroyed in this regards.
Experts also expressed fears by saying these protests may lead to a resurgence of the pandemic. The experts said moving too fast at this point in time is detrimental to all who came out en masse for the protests which puts them all at risk of contracting the virus.
Well, we await the result of breaching the social distancing directives in a bid to ensure social justice in the entire world.
Ayooluwa Joshua