NDDC/ESI Announces 2022 Entrepreneurial Development Training On Agency Banking(POS)

To further enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of the indigenes of the Niger Delta region, the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) in partnership with Empowerment Support Initiative (ESI) is organizing a Living Trade Skills Training Programme on Agency Banking (POS) for Youths and Women of the Region.
In a public announcement, by NDDC/ESI, the training is for applicants between the ages of 18-35 years with minimum
qualification of school certificate with ambition to excel in their chosen industry.
The organizers said “In our quest to meet best global practices and occupational standard, ESI International and Other Qualified Instructors from United Kingdom will professionally train
participants on:
➢ Agency Banking
➢ Risk Environment
➢ Control Environment
➢ Reconciliation and Procedures
➢ Practical Demonstrations, etc.
Interested applicants are required to send their detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and application to trainingjob2022@gmail.com
The following document should be scanned and attached:
➢ Educational Certificates
➢ Certificate verifying Local Government Area of Origin
➢ Birth Certificate/Age Declaration Affidavit
➢ Two Passport Photographs
➢ Recommendation/Reference from a responsible citizen, preferably a Clergy in a reputable church; or Civil Servant from (GL 14 and above) or a recognized Traditional Ruler.
Application must be submitted within two (2) weeks of this publication.
The statement further said, only successful applicants will be contacted for the training.
For further enquiries on this training, please visit ESI at trainingjob2022@gmail.com